MobilitySympo 2022

The MOBILITYSYMPO conference is a traditional annual conference organised under the name AUTOSYMPO since the 1990s by the Czech Automobile Society in cooperation with the Czech Technical University in Prague. The conference is listed by FISITA, an umbrella organisation of national automotive associations.

In recent years, the conferences have focused on the topics of energy efficiency of powertrains, including their alternative solutions, as well as advanced driver assistance systems and automated driving.

1.11. 2022, Hotel Academic in Roztoky near Prague, Czech Republic

This year, the conference features a plenary session with keynote presentations on all conference topics, followed by two parallel sections, one focusing on energy efficiency and alternative powertrains and the second on driver assistance systems and automated driving.

The conference will address all major topics from legislation to technology research and development, testing and acceptance in both areas.

The conference will be attended by professionals from research and development, testing, production, legislation and education, as well as representatives from local and state institutions.

Conference Topics

The conference will address the topics from the research and development of technology and its testing as well as the legislative and strategic topics and pilot projects in the following areas:

  • Energy Efficiency
  • Alternative Drivelines including E-Mobility, H2
  • Environmental Impact
  • Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
  • Automated Driving
  • Connected Vehicles

Abstract Submission

Proposals for presentation of a paper at the conference MOBILITYSYMPO 2022 should be submitted in the form of abstracts including title, names and affiliations of authors, relevant conference topic and a short summary of the content (not exceeding one page A4) to the MOBILITYSYMPO 2022 Office ( by 15 August 2022.

Important Dates

15 August 2022 Submission of Abstracts

15 September 2022 Notification of Acceptance

24 October 2022 Submission of Presentations

1 November 2022 Conference

Who Should Attend the Conference?

The conference MOBILITYSYMPO 2022 is directed at engineers and automotive experts particularly working in:

  • Automotive and railway industry
  • System providers and supplier industries
  • Engineering service providers
  • Testing organisations
  • Universities, research institutes
  • Technical experts and legal lawyers
  • SMunicipal and state institutions

Conference Venue

The venue is located at Hotel Academic in Roztoky near Prague, Czech Republic, Tyršovo square 2222, 252 63 Roztoky, easily accessible from Prague Václav Havel Airport or Prague main railway station.

Conference Language

Conference language of MOBILITYSYMPO 2022 is English and Czech.

Registration Fee

Registration fee for MOBILITYSYMPO 2022 is 2 500 CZK (approx. 100 EUR). Members of CAS, AIA and FISITA national societies with a written membership confirmation obtain 20% discount. Presenting author is not obliged to pay any fee.


If you have any questions regarding the conference MOBILITYSYMPO, please contact Ondřej Vaculín by mail or phone +420 776 637 352.


Are you interested in promoting your company and products MOBILITYSYMPO? Contact us under for more details.

Program MobilitySympo 1.11. 2022

MobilitySympo 2022 (pdf verze).

Čas Přednášející Firma/Instituce Téma
09:00 Zahájení konference
09:10 Václav Kobera Ministerstvo dopravy ČR Aktuální stav rozvoje oblasti autonomního řízení v ČR z pohledu MD
09:30 Martin Voříšek Ministerstvo průmyslu a obchodu ČR Národní akční plán čisté mobility- aktualizace a poslední stav řešení
09:50 Zdeněk Petzl Sdružení automobilového průmyslu tbs
10:10 Josef Pokorný Sdružení dovozců automobilů ČR Vliv současné situace v prodeji automobilů v ČR na stárnutí vozového parku
10:30 Přestávka
11:00 Jan Vodstrčil IVECO Czech Republic Mobility evolution in EU environment
11:20 Josef Morkus, Jan Macek ČVUT v Praze Jak ekologický je Váš elektromobil?
11:40 Martin Hrdlička Škoda Auto Automotive industry in light of regulation
12:00 Václav Jirovský ČVUT v Praze Forgotten conceptual aspects of autonomous transport
12:20 Oběd
13:30 Zdeněk Lokaj ČVUT v Praze Legislativní regulace systémů autonomního řízení vozidel v ČR
13:50 Jan Hnilica TÜV SÜD Czech Nové předpisy pro homologace autonomních vozidel – Nařízení komise (EU) 2022/1426
14:10 Jan Vejbor EVC Group Sériová výroba lithiových trakčních baterií a energetických úložišť v Česku
14:30 Viliam Blumtritt Kovohutě Příbram Recyklace lithiových baterií v Kovohutích Příbram
14:50 Přestávka
15:10 Petr Zámečník Universita Palackého v Olomouci Psychosociální aspekty automatizované dopravy
15:30 David Černý Ústav státu a práva, AV ČR Závěry etické komise pro provoz datově propojených a autonomních vozidel
15:50 tbs CDV Katalog testovacích oblastí pro automatizované vozidla
16:10 Miroslav Štěpán IDIADA CZ Nové polygony v ČR
16:30 Ondřej Vaculín THI Otevřená platforma pro vývoj a testování automatizovaného řízení
16:50 Závěr konference

Registrace na MobilitySympo 2022

Hotel Academic in Roztoky near Prague, Tyršovo square 2222, 252 63 Roztoky, Czech Republic

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